Nearing 1500 RG species in Florida

This past month, in a process that took DOZENS of hours -- far more than I had budgeted -- I prepared my FLORIDA LIFE LIST for all taxa that have been research-graded on iNaturalist. I have updated the spreadsheet whenever I photograph a new species. I have tried to be 100% accurate, but some non-species can be RGed -- things like Whirligig Beetles or "Mason and Potter wasps," so it's a bit difficult to determine precisely how many RG species I have. (Clearly, I need to add but tally separately all the RGed "non-species").

This past Saturday, Valeri Ponzo, Don Fraser, and I traveled to San Felasco Hammock Preserve State Park in Alachua County, and then on Sunday, Val and I visited Arthur Engle Memorial Park in Pasco County and the Big Cypress Boardwalk in Goethe State Forest in Levy County. NO DOUBT these 330+ photographs will put me over the top for 1,500 RGed species in Florida.

Once I achieve this goal, I really have no goal left to achieve, other than seeing how many RGed species I find in Florida before I die (whenever that will be). If I have at least several years of life left, then I would like to upload to iNat EVERY nature photograph or audio recording that I have ever taken. That probably amounts to at close to 40,000 photographs, of which I have uploaded perhaps 10,000 so far.

At the moment (1933 on 27 Mar 2023), I have 7.103 records of 1,764 species from Florida -- I have not yet uploaded records from any other region in the world -- of which 6,283 records and "1,509" records are RGed. That's great, except that it means that I have 788 records of potentially 423 species that remain non-RGed. I don't like that at all. Maybe I'll delete a lot of the non-RGed species, since I see little value in them sitting in a review queue in perpetuity, or they have already been determined to represent records that cannot be identified to species. I dunno.

Anyway, in the next few days, I'll post my >1,500-RGed species total once I exceed it.

Publicado el 27 de marzo de 2023 a las 11:41 PM por billpranty billpranty


Amazing accomplishment. Congratulations!

Anotado por kaynine35 hace más de un año

Absolutely outstanding work Bill. Congratulations!

Anotado por tdita hace más de un año

Thank you for caring.

Anotado por suzanc hace más de un año

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