Arise Day 2022 shortened Livestream

  • Arise Day 2022 shortened Livestream

    Arise Day 2022 shortened Livestream
    On March 30, we organized the first live Arise Day in Naturalis. We were honoured to have keynote speakers like Toby Kiers and Wieteke Willemen (and André Kuipers, but he's not in this video at the request of his team). We discussed fungal networks, autonomous wildlife monitoring, plastic-poor metabarcoding, AI for species recognition, the irony of awarding a huge stuffed mammoth as a "practicality prize" and much more.
    :00 Introduction - Koos Biesmeijer with Annemarie van Wezel, Pedro Crous and Joost Kok
    8:16 ARISE General - Elaine van Ommen Kloeke
    17:20 (André Kuipers)
    18:18 Five teams: end user value - Elaine van Ommen Kloeke
    20:04 Sampling - Hannco Bakker
    27:08 Sequencing - Kevin Beentjes
    36:00 Monitoring Demonstration Sites - W. Daniel Kissling
    45:43 Digital Species Identification - Jacob Kamminga
    53:02 Biocloud - Chantal Huijbers
    1:01:58 Five teams: questions & answers
    1:07:00 Hackathon: winners announcement - Gerard Schouten and Rob van den Berg
    1:17:07 Biodiversity in our daily lifes - Wieteke Willemen
    1:57:48 180M Observations - Dylan Verheul
    2:11:12 Agouti - Patrick Jansen
    2:28:48 Diversity vs digital twin (1st time) - Paolo Pileggi
    2:42:28 Unstructured data - Victor Heijke
    2:59:18 Xeno-canto - Bob Planqué
    3:15:37 Diversity vs digital twin (2nd time) - Paolo Pileggi
    3:31:58 Underground astronauts - Toby Kiers
    4:06:14 Panel discussion: opportunities & challenges

  • Publicado el 21 de diciembre de 2022 a las 04:16 PM por optilete optilete


    Our Diopsis cameras use the Intel Geti platform for computer vision AI, and were featured as a use case by Intel, with a quote from our Chantal Huijbers. From crop pollination to serving as a food source for other organisms, insects
    play a vital role in our ecosystems.
    However, several studies have shown insect
    populations are declining at a concerning rate. A 2019 study found dramatic rates
    of decline may lead to the extinction of 40 percent of the world’s insect species
    over the next few decades.1
    A study from 2017 found over a 75% decline in the
    number and diversity of insects in protected areas of Germany in just 27 years.
    To discover and address which pressures are most responsible for this decline,
    ecologists need an efficient way to continuously monitor insect populations over
    a long period of time. Traditional methods of manually counting and identifying
    insects are prohibitively expensive and labor intensive, which is how the new
    Intel® Geti™ platform combined with digital technologies comes into play.
    The DIOPSIS Consortium was founded in 2018 to explore ways to automate
    monitoring. This collaboration between Naturalis Biodiversity Center, EIS
    Kenniscentrum Insecten, COSMONiO, Radboud University, and Faunabit led to
    the creation of DIOPSIS, a fully automated system that uses smart cameras and
    AI to photograph, identify, and track insects.
    Specialized insect cameras were developed for this project, and 100 of them
    were deployed across natural, urban, and agricultural areas throughout the
    Netherlands. Images were captured every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day for 4 to 8
    weeks per year, resulting in a dataset of more than 15 million images and tens of
    millions of individual insects.
    Processing this extensive data set the traditional way was out of the question.
    Typically, an expert might detect and identify 500 specimens per day, at most.
    One season of data would take 20,000 days of expert processing, not including
    the time needed for measurements and biomass estimations. Finding a better
    processing method was crucial.
    The DIOPSIS Solution: Automated Monitor

    Anotado por ahospers hace casi 2 años

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