Sunday 9.01.2022
Another interesting, wet week in the garden with a few new critters (for me) loaded onto iNat.
I was interested to read in the latest bird magazine (African Birdlife January/February 2022) that House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) numbers are on the decline worldwide. There seem to be a number of possible reasons. Referencing Alfoso Balmori (2021, Birds 2: 329-337) one reason seems to be the proliferation of cell phone towers.
Looking through my photos I last took one of the House Sparrow in 2018.
Maybe I have been overlooking them. Certainly the Cape Sparrow (Passer melanurus) and the Southern Grey-headed Sparrow (Passer diffuses) are very common.
I must look out for the House Sparrow and pay more attention.
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