Lepidopteran Flights

As we size-up our moth visitors who have chosen to stay at the lights after dawn, I can't help but note the phenology of species. For example, Jack Pine Twig Budworm Moths were more than numerous over the past week or three, and now they are tapering off. I look around and see brown patches in the jack pines all around and wonder if it's the work of these moths' larvae, and now their eggs assure future brown patches.

This past week White Eulithis Moths were were numerous, and today I may have only seen one or two. American Idias may also be falling back in number. Little yellow Tortricid leafrollers like the Maple Basswood Leafroller (and more) have graced the side of the house in big numbers, and when I walk through the bracken and blueberries the air is filled with their fluttering. They confuse the eye with a jerky flight, then alight on a leaf for only an instant before slipping to the underside, out of view. With the slightest disturbance they are off again.

Each species may have single or numerous broods, I'm just becoming more aware. We have a sudden surge in Compton Tortoiseshell butterflies, and Mourning Cloaks (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/53316915) are also making a new appearance in the neighborhood, reminding me of the hungry batch of caterpillars I found nearby on July 16.

This is my first year of paying close attention to the visitors at our moth light, though I have casually photographed them before. I look forward to what comes next. I also am amazed by postings by moth-ers nearby, and Seabrooke Leckie's moths in Ontario. Studying their finds helps me in noticing traits in the moths that come here.

Publicado el 02 de agosto de 2020 a las 04:05 PM por susan_kielb susan_kielb


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