Archivos de Diario para mayo 2021

28 de mayo de 2021

assumptions based on my observations

cardinal bettles like Cypress Spurge

Graphosoma italicum ssp. italicum, anostirus purpureus and macrophya mantana like Chearophyllum

golden bloomed longhorn like stinging nettle and thistles

Carabus ulrichii active in the morning

Lesser Stag Beetle active in the late afternoon

Oil bettles dont like windy weather even if it is sunny and warm

Morimus funereus likes to be the edge of the roads

Genus Timarcha bend its head and make a cute gesture if you blow air on them gently

Publicado el 28 de mayo de 2021 a las 06:03 AM por gence_nomad gence_nomad | 2 observaciones | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

European Mole

I am finding them dead after rainy days (so far 6-7 times) on the edge of the asfalt road. I dont know the real reason why this is happening. when I check the body I can't find any physicall damage except some blood on their nose.

They like to dig nest next to road so I assume all the water which can't drain because of the asfalt fill their nest and cause them die. I am planning to leave a gopro on a active nest during rain to see if water really fill their nest with water

I also try to go out in the rain so maybe I can find one before it is dead but I guess it is all happening mostly in the night

I was also thinking about maybe the Lyme's disease cause them become more vulnerable to getting wet and cold. Because always find bunch of ticks on the bodies and it might cause internal organ failure. As far as I know if a mammal has lyme's disease they shouldn't stay cold or wet to protect their weak kidney functions.

I searched online and alot of other people having same observation about dead moles mostly found after rain. I am willing to help deeper research on field but I am not a expert. I dont have any degree or education on this field but i would love to help experts. Please don't hesitate to contact with me

Publicado el 28 de mayo de 2021 a las 06:11 AM por gence_nomad gence_nomad | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
