assumptions based on my observations

cardinal bettles like Cypress Spurge

Graphosoma italicum ssp. italicum, anostirus purpureus and macrophya mantana like Chearophyllum

golden bloomed longhorn like stinging nettle and thistles

Carabus ulrichii active in the morning

Lesser Stag Beetle active in the late afternoon

Oil bettles dont like windy weather even if it is sunny and warm

Morimus funereus likes to be the edge of the roads

Genus Timarcha bend its head and make a cute gesture if you blow air on them gently

Publicado el 28 de mayo de 2021 a las 06:03 AM por gence_nomad gence_nomad


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Chinche Rojinegra Europea (Graphosoma italicum ssp. italicum)




Mayo 26, 2021 a las 04:09 PM +03

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Mayo 26, 2021 a las 04:37 PM +03


lesser stag beetle and woodland dor beetle is active in rain aswell.
I only find fire salamander when it is raining and really misty. when there is no mist they dont show up

Anotado por gence_nomad hace mas de 3 años

I saw the first mosquitos this week. it wasn't pleasant

Anotado por gence_nomad hace mas de 3 años

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