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I see some flags on D. capensis, i think now is the right time to commit this change.
Hi folks, when lumping one taxon into another a merge (e.g. D. capensis & D. delphis [sensu stricto] -> D. delphis [sensu lato]) isn't necessary, just a swap (D. capensis -> D. delphis) is sufficient. I restructured this change as such as swap and (after dealing with D. capensis tropicalis and D. capensis capensis https://www.inaturalist.org/taxon_changes/113261 & https://www.inaturalist.org/taxon_changes/113262) I committed it. I then replaced the range of D. delphis with a sensu lato range (from MDD), updated the name to "Common Dolphin", and removed the resolved deviation
Glad to have this sorted and thanks for the help!
Hi, @jwidness. Is this something you're interested in committing soon or would you rather wait for the MDD to update their taxonomy?