Taxonomic Swap 129259 (Guardado el 11/08/2023)

genus placement resolved by Maes, 2022

Chabulina onychinalis (Guenée, 1854)
Guenée, 1854 in Boisduval & Guenée, Hist. nat. Insectes (Spéc. gén. Lépid.) 8:205 pl.6, fig.9 (Asopia) comb. nov.
= Zebronia braurealis Walker, 1859 List Specimens Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 19: 971.
Shaffer & Munroe (2007) created the genus Chabulina for the species Diastictis putrisalis Viette, 1958, a species, at least externally, very similar in wing pattern to onychinalis. Apart from the type species, they included in the description of that genus the following species: Chabulina tenera (Butler, 1883) from Sulawesi and an unnamed species from Africa misidentified as “tenera” but closer to “putrisalis”.
Based on the above, and after the dissection of various species currently listed under the different genera listed above, the author can only conclude that Bocchoris and Glyphodes as listed under the above three databases [Beccaloni et al. 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex), De Prins J. & De Prins W. 2003–2022., and Nuss et al. 2003–2022. Global Information System on Pyraloidea.] are heterogenous and contain non-related species of very different genera. In order to create a starting point for the revision of these genera and to clarify the identity of these species, this paper focuses in a first instance on the correct identification of onychinalis and astomalis, and extend the results of Shaffer & Munroe (2007) to include a wider range of species in the genus Chabulina.

Studies on African Crambidae II: On t... (Referencia)
Añadido por hkmoths en 11 de agosto de 2023 a las 02:42 PM | Resuelto por hkmoths en 11 de agosto de 2023
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This taxon swap did not push genus-level IDs of Glyphodes back to Tribe Margaroniini, and therefore caused research-grade observations to revert to Needs ID because of a new disagreement between IDs of Glyphodes and Chabulina onychinalis.

Anotado por trinaroberts hace cerca de un año

@trinaroberts - noted Trina, thx. When I ran the swap there was no notification about any possible issues on the RG front. I'm not quite sure what you're implying here, because anything that was identified as Glyphodes onychinalis should automatically be changed to Chabulina onychinalis and not impact RG observations of this taxon. There should be no impact upon other taxa only identified to genus or higher ranks. Please could you link to a couple of examples to illustrate the "new disagreement" ? The new paper by Maes will result in a lot of onychinalis identifications needing reassessment as to what their actual id is...... Have you looked a the paper? I'm happy to help out on this, just need a little guidance.

Anotado por hkmoths hace cerca de un año

I don't know how to prevent this, just wanted to note it in case there's some step that can be taken. Here are some examples, all currently at Tribe Margaroniini:

And a couple that I fixed last night, so they are RG again:

On all of these, the original sequence of IDs was 1) Glyphodes; 2) Glyphodes onychinalis; 3) Glyphodes onychinalis, which would have made them Research Grade. The taxon swap affected only the species-level IDs, which now disagree with the original genus-level ID of Glyphodes. This makes them go back to needs ID, until they get a third species-level ID to override the disagreement.

I don't know how many of these there are -- not a ton in my region, so we'll get that third ID eventually.

Anotado por trinaroberts hace cerca de un año

thx for following up, Trina. Now I see where you're coming from!
Not a lot can be done other than following up with individual observations and I'll have a stab at that. This is mostly an awareness issue, perhaps best addressed by using other portals (iNat projects or Facebook forums.....). I can get the ball rolling on the Moths & Moth Watching forum, where there are many international users, so not just reaching the target audience of one country.
Roger. (aka @hkmoths)

Anotado por hkmoths hace cerca de un año

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