Taxonomic Swap 59234 (Guardado el 28/06/2019)

World Spider Catalog Version 20.0 (Referencia)
Añadido por cmcheatle en 29 de junio de 2019 a las 12:07 AM | Resuelto por cmcheatle en 28 de junio de 2019
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Trouble with these taxon swaps is that all the southern African Nephila spp have been moved to Trichonephila, but this leaves all our obs ID'd only to genus level at Nephila, which is now incorrect. So can those obs be moved to Trichonephila or do we have to do it on an obs by obs basis? @tonyrebelo @robertarcher397 @wynand_uys @cmcheatle

Anotado por vynbos hace cerca de 5 años

Dont do anything yet: let me check it out.
If you try fixing it now manually it will go even worse to Family Araneidae Orbweavers - which is not helpful at all!
But the genus Trichonephila has just been dumped in spiders. Not even assigned a subfamily or tribe. Surely it has to be ???

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace cerca de 5 años

Here is the paper:

Our phylogeny has aided the resolution of past taxonomic and classification controversies by recognizing seven contemporary genera (Clitaetra, Herennia, Indoetra, Nephila, Nephilengys, Nephilingis, and Trichonephila) within the family Nephilidae (Table 1), which also contains the fossil genera not placed phylogenetically (the Cretaceous Geratonephila, and the Tertiary Palaeonephila). Wheeler et al. (2017) and Dimitrov et al. (2017) treated Nephilinae as a subfamily of Araneidae with no explanation and based on poorly resolved phylogenies using a limited sampling of genes generally considered to be inappropriate for deep evolutionary inference. We argue that phylogenetic topological results, as well as lineage age, suggest, objectively, that Araneidae, Nephilidae, and Phonognathidae are comparably composed and phylogenetically positioned with respect to other spider families, and should be maintained as independent entities.

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace cerca de 5 años

it is not clear if there is any geographical pattern to the species removed from Nephila to Trichonephila. So leaving them in Nephila is probably the best approach, until we can ID them to species.
True - all (4) the South African species have been moved, what southern and African species. And are no Niphila left in southern Africa?

best to ID them to species??

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace cerca de 5 años

There is no pattern in the species moved from a geography perspective. Because there are members left in the original level atlasing it unfortunately was not an option because the switches then had to be run one at a time.

There appears to be at least 1 species that stayed in Nephilia which is present in Africa. Please note N. clavipes moves, but has not been processed yet due to the sheer volume of records.

The Trichonephila genus is not under just spiders, but the Orbweaver family. While the paper appears to propose a new family (a very quick check on my part, it is a national holiday weekend here so I am away and seeing this on my mobile), as of now the World Spider Catalog has not accepted this new family. So for alignment purposes, I have left it in its original placement for now.

Anotado por cmcheatle hace cerca de 5 años

No - from the way the iNat dictionary and community identification works this is not ideal. Trichonephila needs to be in the same subfamily as Nephila otherwise the community ID loses it in the Orbweavers, rather than the Nephilids. Please fix it. Otherwise the IDs will get lost in a mess of unassigned genera within the family.

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace cerca de 5 años

I moved it, but please note according to the systematics laid out in the paper, this is incorrect as they place the genus into a newly proposed family which has not been recognized by the World Spider Catalog. If the Wsc rejected the new family or simply has not reviewed this yet, i have no way of telling.

Anotado por cmcheatle hace cerca de 5 años

But the status of the family or subfamily does not matter in this context. Whatever, Trichonephila and Nephila will be in the same higher taxon, and putting them together now will save having to do so later.
I agree, the family status is best addressed when there is more clarity.

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace cerca de 5 años

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