Group GC, Roalson EH, Jiménez-Mejías P, et al (2021) A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59:726–762.
BEFORE YOU COMMENT: This is an update of Carex infrageneric taxonomy, the reduced concepts of these sections requires that they be merged into subg. Carex to preserve ID accuracy post-update. We are not doing away with Carex infrageneric taxonomy. These are the remaining taxa that have been emptied. We are currently almost done with the changes, after they are done the new sections and complexes will be moved back into subg. Carex.
Añadido por rynxs en 30 de marzo de 2023 a las 04:18 AM
Resuelto por rynxs en 29 de marzo de 2023
BEFORE YOU COMMENT: This is an update of Carex infrageneric taxonomy, the reduced concepts of these sections requires that they be merged into subg. Carex to preserve ID accuracy post-update. We are not doing away with Carex infrageneric taxonomy. These are the remaining taxa that have been emptied. We are currently almost done with the changes, after they are done the new sections and complexes will be moved back into subg. Carex.
Los desacuerdos no deseados ocurren cuando un padre (B) es
disminuido al mover un hijo (E) a otra parte del árbol taxonómico,
resultando en que los IDs existentes del padre sean interpretados
como desacuerdos con los IDs existentes del hijo movido.
ID 2 del taxón E será un desacuerdo no deseado con la ID 1 del taxón B después del cambio de taxon
Si disminuir a un padre resulta en más de 10 desacuerdos no deseados, debes dividir al padre después de cambiar al hijo para reemplazar las identificaciones existentes de
el padre (B) con identificaciones que no están en desacuerdo.
BEFORE YOU COMMENT: This is an update of Carex infrageneric taxonomy, the reduced concepts of these sections requires that they be merged into subg. Carex to preserve ID accuracy post-update. We are not doing away with Carex infrageneric taxonomy. These are the remaining taxa that have been emptied. We are currently almost done with the changes, after they are done the new sections and complexes will be moved back into subg. Carex.