Diario del proyecto USF Integrative Biology Department

Archivos de Diario para julio 2018

31 de julio de 2018


We're live! This project has been up for less than a week, and we already have 10 members. That's amazing! Between us, on the USF campus alone we've got 168 observations of 118 species, and over 1,600 observations of almost 900 species total. In addition, we have involved a further 400 people as identifiers. If we keep growing this will only get better.

I think we have a few more people in the department who might want to join. Remember that following the project does not add your observations; you must be added in manually by one of the admins (me) to have your observations included, so just message me if you want in.

You may have seen the blacklighting insect photos I put up a few days ago. I am planning another blacklighting trip in a few weeks, and I will be putting out plans in the next few days for those of you who are interested in joining. If you have other nature excursions you think would be interesting, send me the info and I will share it with the rest of us.

Thank you for a wonderful launch!


Publicado el 31 de julio de 2018 a las 11:39 AM por durieudm durieudm | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario