Archivos de Diario para mayo 2021

31 de mayo de 2021

The 2nd 10 000 trees target reached

Our second 10 000 tree target has been reached, and thanks to all who contributed!

Although taking over a year (who could have predicted how 2020 was to turn out), we have finally reached our next milestone, and it is encouraging that hacking activity has recently picked up. Approximately 70 different individuals participated in the clearing of the latest 10 000 trees, over 100 hectares in total was cleared and this took place at more than 15 different locations, with at least three of these being challenging to access. It was also great to have the participation of three different groups involved with the youth: SCOUTS South Africa, Net vir Pret - Project Hope and IALA gap year programme.

The next 10 000 trees now awaits us. So let’s get out there for some socially-distanced fun and action!

Publicado el 31 de mayo de 2021 a las 09:59 AM por donovank donovank | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario