Pollinator Ramble at John Paul Landing, Oct. 2, 2024

It was a breezy but warm day at John Paul Landing Park, on the western area of Harris County P4. A dazzling array of dragonflies were riding the brisk winds, making us wish that today's topic was them. The pollinating insects were a little harder to spot among the trails near the environmental education center, but we did manage to find several different bees, including tiny Lasioglossum sweat bees, American bumble bees and one honey bee. A group of southern paper wasps clung to a giant ragweed leaf, holding on to each other and the leaf in defense of getting blown in the winds. Orange sulphur butterflies visited annual sunflowers and common buckeyes hovered low right atop the height of the grasses. While the pollinating insect group showing was less than hoped, other insects and spiders made up for them. We ended up with a group of mystery bug nymphs on a gaura gall (id pending) and watched in awe as a Carolina mantis caught and started to feed on a very much alive and struggling cicada.
Getting ready for the next Ramble on October 8, at Spring Creek Park in northern Harris County, starting at 10:30 a.m. Meet at the Spring Creek Trailhead. Folks, come join us!

Publicado el 07 de octubre de 2024 a las 09:01 PM por attatexana1 attatexana1


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