Sundry points about the biogeography and life-history strategies of primates

Primates in the Americas are remarkably small-bodied (

There are no gummivorous ( primates in Asia.

Primates in Madagascar ( tend to be solitary rather than gregarious.

Of the primates with irregular activity, all but one species live in Madagascar (

Only Asia has strictly animal-eating primates (

There are no strictly greens-eating primates in the Americas (

Colobines ( grow rapidly compared to non leaf-eating monkeys

Callitrichids ( grow rapidly compared to other monkeys

Lorises ( have slow growth and long gestation for strepsirrhines (

Cheirogaleids ( have short gestation periods and rapid growth compared to lemurs (

Strepsirrhines ( have small neonates and large litters compared to haplorrhines (

Publicado el 29 de agosto de 2024 a las 07:32 PM por milewski milewski


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