Eristalinus (Eristalinus) haplops (Wiedemann 1830)

This species resembles Eristalinus (Eristalodes) taeniops, but has spotted eyes. Eyes pilose above, male eyes holoptic; third antennal segment elongate, reddish below; facial tubercle shiny black; face strongly produced downward, subconical; antennal tubercle very prominent; posterior tarsi yellowish, with dark apices

Original description in:
Wiedemann, C.R.W. 1830. Aussereuropäische zweiflügelige Insekten. Als Fortsetzung des Meigenschen Werks. Zweiter Theil.
Translated from Latin & German:
Thorax brassy with white vittae, scutellum ferrugineous, abdomen with white bands, eyes simple.
Female: First abdominal segment not yellowish on the sides; fourth segment apically and fifth segment basally with common white band; a laterally abbreviated band runs through the yellow of the second segment.
Male: Antennae black with brown arista; lower face white pilose, with black central streak and oblique, straight lateral streaks; genae white with oval black spot; beard white. Eyes grey pilose, forehaed white, above the antennae slightly protruding, black; vertex black; occiput yellowish pilose; thorax (mesonotum) bronzy-greenish (aeneous) with four whitish vittae: the middle stripes are posteriorly abbreviated, the outer ones are interrupted; thorax sides greyish. Second abdominal segment basally brownish-black (band narrowed laterally), otherwise honey-colour, with a blurred whitish transverse spot,behind which there is a second small, almost triangular spot. Third segment broadly white at the base, slightly narrower brown posteriorly, a small indistinct transverse line in the middle of the front border. Fourth segment white, with brown central band. Genitals blackish-violet. All segments thinly whitish pilose; underneath white, with honey-coloured centre.

Photo of male on PINDIP:

Type locality: 'Kap' [= Cape of Good Hope]
Distribution: Probably a South African near-endemic (GBIF record from Lesotho]

iNat observations:

Publicado el 08 de agosto de 2024 a las 06:50 AM por traianbertau traianbertau


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