2025's Summer Hunt

We are a little over halfway done with this year's Summer Hunt! I cannot believe the amount of observations that this small group has made in the past few months, it is amazing to see how many different species there are! I am proud to say that this will continue next year as well; the 2025 iNaturalist Summer Hunt Project has been made almost a year in advance! Be sure to join it if you would like to participate next year, I would say it's better to join now than to possibly forget later.

In 2025, my goal for the event is to be able to reach more people and more places than this year has so far. It would be great to reach the southern hemisphere, which shockingly has not been a part of the competition yet.

Thank you for everything you have done to make this a great first year for this event, and keep on observing!

Publicado el 11 de junio de 2024 a las 01:00 PM por robbieedun robbieedun


Well, I think we are not quite halfway done yet*, but you are right, there is an amazing amount of observations and species! I always enjoy looking at the recent observations and seeing all the different species. The project is also helping me to achieve my personal goals: continue the streak and find 1000 animals in this year.
Thanks for setting it up!

*7 months, so the half is at 3,5 month, which would be around the 15th June. ;-)

Anotado por susanne-kasimir hace 22 días

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