Jumping spider vision and color -- a MUST WATCH video!!!

OK, so I've always really liked jumping spiders, but after watching this video (30 minutes), I'm going to appreciate them even more.

I HIGHLY suggest the watch:
What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color

Thanks to @dirtnkids for the recommendation!

If you do watch this, let me know your thoughts. :)

Publicado el 05 de junio de 2024 a las 02:02 PM por sambiology sambiology


It brings absolute joy to my heart. I've watched it many times, just for the warm gooey feeling in my soul. Go jumpers!

Anotado por dirtnkids hace 3 meses

Loved this!!! I found the techniques for assessing the colors they actually perceive fascinating. The tiny magnet, and tiny ball!! Wow. This really makes you think about what color actually is, how species are constantly evolving, and sadly the loss of knowledge through extinction mentioned at the end. Thanks for sharing!

Anotado por txstack hace 3 meses

@sambiology That was truly captivating! It's remarkable how scientists conduct such intricate experiments to understand color perception. Jumping spiders are truly extraordinary creatures! Thank you for sharing!

Anotado por bobbie79 hace 3 meses

Very interesting!

Anotado por annikaml hace 28 días

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