Lynx Spiders

24 December 2022

Lynx spiders (Oxyopidae) are some of the most interesting spiders to watch. They are active hunters with thin, spiny legs and forward pointing eyes. They move quickly and actively hop from leaf to leaf as they go. Their behavior is very similar to the jumping spiders.

Minnesota is home to two lynx spiders in the genus Oxyopes:

O. salticus (Striped Lynx Spider) is a common denizen of prairies, grasslands and other open habitats. Females have lots of stripes with dark vertical stripes on the face and short, dark stripes on the sides of the carapace. Mature females also have white longitudinal stripes on the dorsal surface of the carapace. Mature males are glossy with orangish carapace and a dark greenish abdomen.

O. scalaris (Western Lynx Spider) is more likely to be found at forest edges. Its pattern is not as bold as that of the Striped Lynx. It has a broad pale median area on the carapace and abdomen. On the abdomen there are a couple of white lateral marks that extend toward the sides.

One final note: The Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans) is an accidental species that has occurred in the state. It typically arrives with plants shipped to greenhouses and is unlikely to occur in native habitats.

Publicado el 24 de diciembre de 2022 a las 09:08 PM por cheins1 cheins1


I'd love to find one!

Anotado por sophia_herrmeyer hace más de un año

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