Duck River Survey finished

After almost 380 hours of surveying, I finally wrapped up my survey of Wategora Reserve along Duck River in western Sydney. All up, 1926 species observed in an area of just 25 ha.

All observations at:

Summary of survey, and link to download final 427 page report + fully annotated/illustrated checklist, at:

Huge thanks to everyone who helped ID my observations

Publicado el 05 de diciembre de 2022 a las 06:14 AM por thebeachcomber thebeachcomber


Great work beachcomber

Anotado por hughberry hace casi 2 años

Incredible job!

Anotado por spyne hace casi 2 años

Awesome work!

Anotado por d_kurek hace casi 2 años

I had an information overload with all the new plant names today, I couldn't possibly remember them all. I'll upload a bunch of new microscopic species tomorrow. This is an extremely impressive effort. I never imagined anyone could be so familiar with a site.

Anotado por douch hace más de un año

I'm curious why you restricted your Wategora Reserve iNaturalist project to only include observations by yourself. I mean, if I understand correctly, your mission is to document the biodiversity in the reserve, but the person documenting it isn't really the point. I guess it's nice to be able to see only your own observations, but this can be done in any project by ticking the Your Observations box. Alternatively, we could create a separate project – one that automatically includes all observations within the reserve's perimeter, regardless of who submitted it. It's up to you of course.

Anotado por douch hace más de un año

ideal scenario, yes, I'd create a place + a collection project, and have the latter filter to that place. But there were two main issues with that approach here:

1 . Because the place is so small, any of my obscured observations would get bumped out of it. I have 30 or so obs of orchids that I've obscured, which would not get captured by the project. Then becomes a hassle to create a second project to manually add those to, and then a third as an umbrella to hold the previous 2.

2 . In the same vein, there are observations from the project for which the location is my house, as I reared insects etc. So those would also get excluded.

This was largely a non-issue for 99% of my survey, as across the almost 3 years, there were just 17 other observers on iNat who contributed a combined total of <150 observations, none of which included species that I hadn't seen myself. So it wasn't until your obs this weekend that anything new was actually there.

Every few weeks I add a new version to my document updating my findings, so I'll incorporate your microscopy in a section next time I do that

Anotado por thebeachcomber hace más de un año

Hmm I see. Yes, until now you weren't missing out on any species by excluding others' observations.

Anotado por douch hace más de un año
Anotado por douch hace más de un año

thanks, some cool stuff in there

Anotado por thebeachcomber hace más de un año

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