2021 03 27

On my birthday I went down to Bass Ponds in the rain to watch waterfowl. Although the rain is bad for photography it was actually pretty good for birding because it meant no one else was there other than a few fisher peoples and one other bird nerd.

There were some Northern Shovelers only a few hundred feet away as well as some Scaups (at least a couple of them looked to be Greater Scaups not sure of the others) that I managed to get some pictures and video of and also some Blue-winged Teals sneakily feeding in the reeds. There were some Canvasbacks off in the distance too but they never came close enough for even half decent rainy day photos.

Jillian came over that night for a boring birthday with really good brownies my mom made but I was glad she could be there. :)

https://photos.app.goo.gl/vAvVfgJGdgg1nFLf8 pics
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-E6rCCErIIko0I_AdSVMxJoX4e-yk7rF videos
https://ebird.org/checklist/S84203070 bird nerd stuff

Publicado el 01 de septiembre de 2022 a las 07:03 AM por earnoodles earnoodles


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