On Cistanche phelypaea, lutea and violacea

A paper from 2018 [Moreno et al. Contributions to the knowledge of Cistanche (Orobanchaceae) in the Western Palearctic. Phyton (Horn, Austria) 57(1-2): 19-36] has provided important novelties for the genus Cistanche in the area of the Iberian Peninsula and western North Africa. They are reported here:

Cistanche lutea (no more a synonym of C. phelypaea):
http://www.farmalierganes.com/Flora/Angiospermae/Orobanchaceae/Cistanche/Cistanche_lutea/Cistanche_lutea.htm (with a key)

Cistanche lutea var. violaceoides (it replaces the findings of C. violacea in southwestern Spain):

Cistanche phelypaea:
http://www.farmalierganes.com/Flora/Angiospermae/Orobanchaceae/Cistanche/Cistanche_phelypaea/Cistanche_phelypaea.htm (with a key)

C. violacea (now excluded from the Iberian Peninsula):

The paper can be requested here:

Publicado el 27 de enero de 2022 a las 11:45 AM por italopithecus italopithecus


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