Personal Bioblitz

I've finally gotten around to populating my iNat account with my observations, and I've been at it for a few days now. In my personal database are hundreds of upload-worthy wildlife photos, stretching all the way to 2011. It's going to take me a few more days to make it even halfway through.

My concentration is marine life. I might post something from above water in the future, but for now I really want to stick to the critters I see when I go scuba diving. I dive around the islands of Samal in the Philippines, but I sometimes find myself in other underwater parts of the country. My objective here is to show the world the beauty and richness of my country's marine flora and fauna.

Publicado el 18 de julio de 2015 a las 01:38 PM por blogie blogie


Welcome to iNaturalist! Looks like you're off to a fast start :-)

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace cerca de 9 años

Thanks very much, Carrie!

Anotado por blogie hace cerca de 9 años

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