
We may have short days and a few frosty nights but we don't have arctic style Winters here. It's rare to have snow last for more than a few days and last year 2018/9 we have no snow at all below 800metres.
However it does feel cold in the breezes, with wind-chills to minus 7°C - nothing to fear nor brag about.
I have not spent much time in iNat because I am loyal to iSpot but I am beginning to appreciate the interchanges here, in Nat, after a cool reception and a, generally, cold start.
I do find the whole interface here easy and more user-friendly than Spot, so may be inclined to share more in this place

Publicado el 18 de noviembre de 2019 a las 04:14 PM por dejaym dejaym


Please do! Your posts are wonderful

Anotado por kurten hace casi 5 años

Agreed! Hope to see more of you here @dejaym :)

Anotado por sbushes hace cerca de 4 años

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