44.Funding, Infrastructure costs, Images on Amazon

Thanks for your thoughtful consideration of the kinds of nonprofits you support.

For the last three years, iNaturalist has been almost entirely grant funded from individual philanthropists (many with a long history of philanthropy through the California Academy of Sciences), the National Geographic Society, foundations such as the Moore Foundation, and tech companies such as Microsoft through their tAI for Earth initiative, and Google through their tGeo for Good initiative. We also have some project-based funding like the funds we received from the World Wildlife Fund to develop Seek 2.0.

While individual donations from the iNaturalist community currently constitute a small percentage of our overall revenue, we’d love to see that percentage grow. The more sustaining donors we have, the less time we and the development team at CAS have to spend wondering how to meet the next year’s budget requirements.

As a department of the California Academy of Sciences, 15% of additional funds we bring in go toward overhead for CalAcademy, and this includes individual donations. In addition to financial support, they provide office space, legal services, accounting, communications support, and other functions, so the overhead is a way that iNaturalist pays into those costs shared across the institution. The remaining 85% stays within the department to cover staff and operational expenses, like paying Discourse to host this forum, or paying Amazon for image hosting.

The single largest expense for iNaturalist is personnel. iNaturalist has 8 full-time staff in the USA (6 in the Bay Area, 2 remote on the East Coast) and one contractor.

For the CalAcademy fiscal year July 2018 - June 2019, iNaturalist spent $174,000 on infrastructure and miscellaneous expenses. These are the non-personnel related expenses. Like almost everything else about iNaturalist (e.g. users, data, traffic)—except the number of staff— these costs are almost doubling each year.

Donating to iNaturalist 1 (or not) is of course a personal choice. We hope this helps inform your decision. We understand that users have different means and appreciate all of the many ways that people support iNaturalist, financial or otherwise.

  1. Gordon en Betty Moore Foundation
  2. Microsoft (Azure credits toward servers)
  3. Amazon (credits toward image storage)
  4. Google Maps (API access credits)
  5. Andere inkomsten
  6. 485 monthly donations
  7. Verkoop Merchandise

Wonder what it takes to keep iNaturalist running?

Here are some of the ongoing expenses:

  1. $13 stores 10,000 observation photos for a year (iNat has over 90 million photos and counting)
  2. $28 sends one day's worth of email updates
  3. $150 supports the iNatForum for a month
  4. $333 keeps iNat servers running for 24 hours
Publicado el 16 de noviembre de 2019 a las 09:36 PM por ahospers ahospers


iNaturalist has had 635,000 users active in 2019 with just 8 full-time staff. That’s 79,000 users per staff member! Can you help us grow?
https://www.moore.org/ We foster path-breaking scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements, and preservation of the special character of the San Francisco Bay Area.

https://aiforearth.drivendata.org/ DrivenData and Microsoft AI for Earth are launching an exciting new kind of challenge with a $20,000 prize pool. The competition is now live and will be until January 22, 2020. Come join the fun!

for this user, filtering on verifiable=false gives me more or less what I want, but conflates these with any Data Quality criteria, not just missing coordinates.
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&subview=grid&user_id=ahospers&verifiable=false 1

This is slightly better as it’ll exclude captive=true and species = human:


This comes from Ways to help out on iNat - wiki:
“Help fix casual grade observations 1 by informing the observer that the date or location is missing”



Anotado por ahospers hace casi 5 años

Find observations missing a location
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?quality_grade=any&place_id=any&not_in_place=91708,97391&user_id=ahospers&verifiable=any works!

for this user, filtering on verifiable=false gives me more or less what I want, but conflates these with any Data Quality criteria, not just missing coordinates.
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&subview=grid&user_id=ahospers&verifiable=false 1

This is slightly better as it’ll exclude captive=true and species = human:


This comes from Ways to help out on iNat - wiki:
“Help fix casual grade observations 1 by informing the observer that the date or location is missing”


My Unknowns
My Unknowns
Je kunt ze ook vinden door naar "your observations" te gaan en dan bij filters de "unknown" filter aan te zetten. Dan zie je alles waar geen soort naam bij staa
UNKNOWN SouthAfrica TonyReblo (why page4?)

SEARCH own Identifications
https://www.inaturalist.org/identifications?user_id=juliereid 3

Other parameters you can add:

&category=maverick|supporting|improving|leading Default: any
&current=false|any Default: true
&for=self|others|any Default: any

No coordinates and you have other obs from the same day and all those obs from that day HAVE TIMES appending ?interpolate_coordinates=true to the edit observation URL (the URL you’re at when you’re editing an obs, e.g. https://www.inaturlaist.org/observations/edit?interpolate_coordinates=true) will fill in coordinates based on a time-weighted average of the nearest observations in time.

A nitpick: is the central filter a Location filter (using google places) or a Place filter (using user-created iNat polygons) or both? It would help if the terminology was standardized with the observations pages and its filters.

link for creating a traditional project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/new_traditional

Anotado por ahospers hace casi 5 años

Photos staan op AMazon Web Serverices
En de programmatuur op Microsft Azure sinds 2018

Op Datapipe en ...RackPile staat niets meer sinds 2018

Anotado por ahospers hace casi 4 años

https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00219266.2020.1739114?scroll=top&needAccess=true 10

From the abstract: “Overall, iNaturalist provided greater taxonomic resolution with proper scientific and common names and additional natural history information for many organisms, piquing student interest. Incorporating this smartphone technology may increase identification of local biodiversity and student engagement in the biological sciences.” https://github.com/inaturalist/iNaturalistAPI/blob/main/lib/controllers/v1/computervision_controller.js#L368

Anotado por ahospers hace casi 4 años

Gordon en Betty Moore Foundation
Microsoft (Azure credits toward servers)
Amazon (credits toward image storage)
Google Maps (API access credits)
Andere inkomsten
485 monthly donations
Verkoop Merchandise

Anotado por ahospers hace casi 4 años

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