Tree of Life Exercise

My hike was just along my common route to and from class. Among my "backyard" I came across a common earthworm, which falls under the category of animals since it is not an insect. I also saw a garden snail by our kale, it falls under the mollusk taxa. I also found a strange creature laying underneath a black film (for preventing weeds to grow), I thought it might have been some type of worm, and I proceeded to touch it with a stick to see how it would react first. Then I touched it with my hands and it was scaly. I thought it was a snake because I didn't really see it's legs, but later on when I looked at the picture it ended up being a salamander, which falls under the reptile taxa.
Then I went to Campus and took a picture of UC Berkeley's famous squirrels, which is a mammal under the tree of life. After class I went to a residential area and found what I'm pretty sure was a wild turkey (falls under the bird taxa), I didn't see an owner nearby and when I searched up if it's common to see wild turkeys in Berkeley, I found funny Berkeley articles on the news' site Berkeleyside saying it is.

Publicado el 14 de febrero de 2014 a las 04:41 AM por almanzacamille almanzacamille


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Pavo (Meleagris gallopavo)


Febrero 9, 2014

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Salamandra Delgada de California (Batrachoseps attenuatus)


Febrero 2014

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Lombriz de Tierra Europea (Lumbricus terrestris)


Febrero 2014

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Caracol Europeo de Jardín (Cornu aspersum)


Febrero 2014

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Ardilla Zorra (Sciurus niger)


Febrero 2014


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