Life in the Concrete

Moving into a new place and thought it'd be interesting to start documenting what, if any, living things are around. I'm pretty close to the city now but pretty far from what feels like the more open spaces in North County so already missing the chaparral plants and pollinators.

What's cool is that my room opens up to a pretty large patio area that I basically have to myself, so I'm hoping to bring some native plants into the fold. Perhaps even a raised bed with flowers / garden vegetables if I'm feeling really ambitious. Not very pretty as-is, as you can tell from the photos. I'm starting with two potted plants: Chaparral Mallow (Malacothamnus fasciculatus) and Chocolate Mint (a cultivar of Mentha piperita).

Yeah, not pretty.

Yeah, not pretty.

Between last night and this morning I managed to see/hear:

  • the typical grasses associated with urban areas (uploaded to iNat)
  • a species of spider that was hiding under the recycling bin (not photographed)
  • Audubon's Warbler
  • Anna's Hummingbird
  • maybe a Black Phoebe but not entirely certain I didn't hear it in a dream.

So there are some things around. That gives me something to work with!

Publicado el 06 de diciembre de 2018 a las 06:59 AM por pleistocen3 pleistocen3


Fotos / Sonidos


Gallitos (Cynodon dactylon)




Diciembre 5, 2018 a las 12:53 PM PST


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