Lightning talk at California Naturalist Regional Rendezvous

On October 28, 2018, I gave a lightning talk at the second California Naturalist Regional Rendezvous in the Sierra Bioregion at Nevada City, CA. It was my first talk at a conference after poster sessions at the 2017 California Naturalist Conference and the 2018 California Native Plant Society Conference. Unfortunately, I was unable to complete my talk, in part due to too much light washing out my slides on the screen, but mostly due to poor planning on my part. I put a poster copy of my last slide on one of the tables at the venue, but no one was interested in discussing it with me. I was a little bit disappointed in the lack of interest. I'm learning that preparing these progress reports is mostly for me. It forces me to make a snapshot of my project.
Progress through 2018 can be found on the poster at:

Publicado el 02 de diciembre de 2018 a las 08:41 PM por sekihiker sekihiker


Nice work and a good inspiration for me to start writing up what I learn from observing the natural world. Sorry that logistics caused a hiccup in your paper presentation. You are doing nice work finding disjunct populations of L. leeana

Regards - John Brew aka brewbooks

Anotado por brewbooks hace casi 6 años

Incredible work! Very inspiring and this goes to show the power of citizen science in conservation efforts and monitoring of species that may not have the funding to do so. Very cool, i look forward to your future posts!

Anotado por plantsarecool hace casi 6 años

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