It's totally ok to just [b]leave an identification at a broader level,[/b] like "sunflower family" or even just "plant." If someone helps identify something further, don't "agree" with the ID until you've confirmed the identification seems correct. Otherwise observations may become "research grade" mistakenly.
Take the automated species identifications with a grain of salt. Sometimes it provides suggestions for organisms that are only found halfway across the world!
Turn off "confirming identifications" in your account settings (only receive notifications about identifications that don't exactly match your own). It greatly reduces the number of unnecessary notifications you receive. You'll still get notifications if there is a comment attached to the agreeing notification.
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Search observations based on identifications with ident_user_id, e.g. Nabalus observations where I added an identification.
Show scientific names first, set your preferred common name place, or completely hide common names in your account settings.
Find species observed by others, but not yet observed by you, with URL qualifier "unobserved_by_user_id", e.g. flowering plants not yet observed by bouteloua in the state of Illinois.
Search for observations within a group but without a specific member of that group with the "without_taxon_id" search qualifier, e.g. identify Silphiums, but not S. laciniatum, S. terebinthinaceum, S. integrifolium, or S. perfoliatum or search for milkweeds, but not common milkweed. You can do the same thing with places with "not_in_place" and projects with "not_in_project."
Use the Data Quality Assessment section to mark observations as cultivated, that they lack evidence of an organism, or that the community can't improve them based on the photos provided. A few of us have prepared some frequently-used responses for new users and problematic content.
View "Marked Atlases" - species that have observations falling outside of their known distribution (read more about Atlases).
You can always download iNaturalist data and manipulate it as you please.
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Do you have a favorite taxon? And you want to be sure to find every observation which might be that taxon?
Or maybe you can think of a taxon people are constantly miss-identifying? (Ugh.)
Introducing your new favorite tricks:
How to use them? I'll give an example.
Go to identify and type in a taxon. Add any of your preferred settings and hit go. For this example I'll be using Asparagus setaceus, searching for both "needs ID" and "casual"
Look at the URL of the page. Find the bit that says "&taxon_id=[number]" and carefully type in additional characters so that it instead reads "&ident_taxon_id=[number]" Now hit enter.
Assuming you didn't make any typos, you should now be seeing more observations than before.* The new ones are observations where a disagreement has occurred, but at least one person thinks the observation belongs in the taxon you're searching.
*As long as observations with disagreements exist; they usually do!
If you want to look at only observations where there is disagreement, alter the URL again to add an additional component, "&without_taxon_id=[yourtaxonnumberhere]" I find it easiest to add it to the end so that I am sure not to mess up anything in the middle. You should have just produced a URL containing both &ident_taxon_id=[number] and &without_taxon_id=[samenumber]
Neat! If you really want to dive into search URL tips and tricks, check out the forum guide: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-use-inaturalists-search-urls-wiki/63
This method also works great when tackling taxa from the list of Computer Vision Clean-Up: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/computer-vision-clean-up-wiki/7281
UPDATE: You might also prefer to look at Explore view rather than Identify. That way if you tab over to the “species” tab it will show you stuff that often gets confused for the species in question. Using my example of Asparagus setaceus, that turns out to look like this: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?ident_taxon_id=75604&photos=true&place_id=any&verifiable=any&view=species&without_taxon_id=75604 I find that very handy for alerting myself to possible "lookalike" taxa.
Of course there's also a built-in way to do that on the About Page of any species:
Clicking the grey numbers in the image corners will show you observations with identifications of both species. So for example, observations identified as both Asparagus setaceus and Asparagus aethiopicus are here:
Actually by looking at this I just learned that &ident_taxon_id_exclusive= the URL modification to use if you want to search for multiple taxa IDs which appear together.
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