Biodiversity of Alabama Project hits the 100,000 Observation Mark

Today we hit 100,000 observations in the Biodiversity of Alabama iNaturalist Project. Thanks to all the members who have submitted observations, and keep up the good work!

Publicado el 11 de agosto de 2018 a las 02:39 PM por friel friel


Awesome! No better state to find diversity in!

Anotado por rogerbirkhead hace casi 6 años

Excellent news...keep it up

Anotado por jimdaniels hace casi 6 años

Woo hoo! Keep up the great curation! :)

Anotado por sambiology hace casi 6 años

How does that work, exactly? As of midnight 16 August, there are 99, 824 observations listed for Alabama. Are some Biodiversity of Alabama iNaturalist Project listings from out of state?

Anotado por a43560 hace casi 6 años

Not sure why the total observation count you see on the project's page differs from what I see. It is currently 101,445 as of 5:45 AM CT Aug. 17, 2018. The project rules are limited the observations from Alabama, so there should be no records from out of state.

Anotado por friel hace casi 6 años

I noticed this morning there are two Biodiversity of Alabama projects. One has a period after "Alabama". That one is under the umbrella of Biodiversity of the 50 states project. This one is under University umbrella. The 50-states project total observations match with what I was seeing. If I go to "explore" and limit the area to "Alabama" I get a different number of observations than this project. Either way, the count is close to 100,00. John Friel, you should be congratulated for getting Alabama residents to post observations. Thanks!

Anotado por a43560 hace casi 6 años

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