Archivos de Diario para febrero 2020

20 de febrero de 2020

Finally Got a New Phone!

I got an LG G5 H830 phone which is a good, inexpensive phone with a 16MP camera and removable battery. It seems to be doing a good job of taking close-up shots of flowers, better than the Galaxy Note 4 which died last month.

I recommend the LG G5 to anyone on a budget who is looking for a phone that takes good pictures.

I'm noticing the updated iNaturalist Android app doesn't open my default gallery - which is set to QuickPic - by default. I wish it did because it would make it easier to upload pics into observations. QuickPic is better than the default Android gallery app because it remembers your last position so when you re-open it to upload consecutive pics taken for an observation, you don't lose your place.

Looking forward to making more observations and here we are in Spring!

Publicado el 20 de febrero de 2020 a las 09:29 AM por xpacifica xpacifica | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de febrero de 2020

Beautiful purple flowers on side of cliff on Hawk Hill

Today while bicycling on the side of the cliff were these beautiful purple flowers. iNaturalist suggested the ID Arabis blepharophylla for them however based on photos from observations of A. blepharophylla these appear somewhat different.

While it is customary to see flowers distributed over a larger range along the bicycle route, these only occurred in one small strand not far from the top of Hawk Hill.

Unfortunately the phone camera did not focus well on most of the pics I took. Now I want to ride back up there really soon to try to take better pics. It's only a 17+ mile bicycle ride :-)

Publicado el 24 de febrero de 2020 a las 04:55 AM por xpacifica xpacifica | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario