12 de julio de 2019

Malaysia Check List

Added around 53 plant names from Turner (1995) into Malaysia Check List:

Publicado el 12 de julio de 2019 a las 04:50 PM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Summary: Updating plant names on iNaturalist's Malaysia Check List

21st century is a challenging time for the study and conservation of flora. Global and local changes rapidly threaten existence of the wilderness and their constituents, but there are also more than ever, opportunities, methods and communities to improve the knowledge and conservation of nature. One notable facet is citizen science and related platform such as iNaturalist, where dedicated individuals contribute to the knowledge and conservation of nature independent from the academic and governmental institutions usually dominating the field. A few challenges lie ahead in this line of work, especially when related to the study of native flora, are the lack of literature and information, expertise and interest ("plant blindness"). Therefore other than growing the naturalist communities through activities on iNaturalist platform, some improvement are needed on iNaturalist, on the dissemination of botanical literature, and guidelines for observing and photographing plants.

I believe some features have been adequately provided by iNaturalist for these purposes. Therefore one of my points of focus is to produce a flora checklist on iNaturalist to inform naturalists in Malaysia about the diversity and existence of specific plants, so they can learn further after knowing their names and distribution.

Since May 2019, around 2000 plant names have been added to Malaysia Check List on iNaturalist using various online and published lists of Malaysian Flora. Entries of endemic or poorly known plants are supplemented with information of their distribution and observation need. As there are estimated 25,000 species of plants in Malaysia, there will be tens of thousands more to add.

The names are extracted from various online and published sources, i.e., the Flora Malesiana website, mybis.gov.my website, iucnredlist website and flora catalogue of Malay Peninsular by Turner 1995. The use of mybis and iucnredlist websites was later discontinued due to presence of exotic plant names on the former and unsatisfactory completeness of the later and were variously corrected. The Flora Malesiana website provides exhaustive plant list with excellent taxonomic and biogeographical information but a few taxa are not available, such as most of the monocots and a few others. On the other hand, Turner's list excludes flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Different literatures are therefore needed in the future to complete the Malaysia Check List on iNaturalist.

LINK TO THE CHECK LIST: https://www.inaturalist.org/check_lists/7496-Malaysia-Check-List?iconic_taxon=47126

Plant families updated for the whole Malaysia (using the Flora Malesiana website):
-Mastixia (Nyssaceae/Cornaceae)

Plant families updated for the whole Malaysia (using the MyBIS.gov.my website):

Plant families updated for the whole Malaysia (using the iucnredlist website):

Plant families updated for the Peninsular Malaysia (using Turner 1995):
-Convallariaceae (now in Asparagaceae)
-Dracaenaceae (now in Asparagaceae)
-Graminae (Now Poaceae)
-Melanthiaceae (now Petrosaviaceae)

Publicado el 12 de julio de 2019 a las 11:09 AM por tansh91 tansh91 | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

05 de julio de 2019

Quick link to Observations of Malesian flora


You can further filter taxa and unidentified (to species only; tick Needs ID) observations easily.

We also depend on the users to flag Cultivated observations for exclusion from this link.

Publicado el 05 de julio de 2019 a las 09:16 AM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Malaysia Check List

Added around 43 plant names from Flora Malesiana website into Malaysia Check List:

  • Symplocaceae
  • Peraceae
  • Daphniphyllaceae
Publicado el 05 de julio de 2019 a las 08:09 AM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de junio de 2019

Malaysia Check List

Added around 14 plant names from Flora Malesiana website into Malaysia Check List:

Publicado el 14 de junio de 2019 a las 01:28 PM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

06 de junio de 2019

Malaysia Check List

Added around 109 plant names from Flora Malesiana website into Malaysia Check List:
-Mastixia (Cornaceae/Nyssaceae)

Corrected previous entries:

Publicado el 06 de junio de 2019 a las 10:45 AM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

03 de junio de 2019

Malaysia Check List

Added around 96 plant names from Turner (1995) into Malaysia Check List:
-Gramineae N-Z (Poaceae)
-Melanthiaceae (now Petrosaviaceae)

Corrected previous entries:

Publicado el 03 de junio de 2019 a las 04:23 PM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Malaysia Check List

Added around 130 plant names from Turner (1995) into Malaysia Check List:
-Gramineae A-M (Poaceae)

Publicado el 03 de junio de 2019 a las 08:13 AM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Malaysia Check List

Added around 45 plant names from Turner (1995) into Malaysia Check List:
-Dracaenaceae (now in Nolinoideae)

Publicado el 03 de junio de 2019 a las 05:11 AM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de junio de 2019

Malaysia Check List

Added around 28 plant names from Turner (1995) into Malaysia Check List:
-Anthericaceae (now in Agavoideae)
-Convallariaceae (now in Nolinoideae)

Corrected previous entries:

Publicado el 01 de junio de 2019 a las 04:54 PM por tansh91 tansh91 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
