Archivos de Diario para mayo 2012

03 de mayo de 2012

Trail of Shadows Mt. Ranier

Today (March 31st, 2012) we explored a trail near Mt. Ranier called the trail of shadows. The environment was interesting. Mostly, it was covered in snowpack, but trees and other plant life were visible when they grew above the snow, as well as in dry patches. There were a lot of alders as well as various species of hemlock. The hemlock pines were quite soft compared to others, an important characteristics of hemlock. Various fern species were present but many remain unidentified. Shelf fungus was present in some areas in small patches, growing from trees. Waterways were also interesting, with creeks as well as what looked like a wetland. Bubbles were rising from some of these waterways which seemed to make the water warmer, and had a touch of a sulfuric smell. Mostly throughout this walk it was the snowpack that was visible. Sellal also covered the ground in patches, which was identifiable. Birds were audible but not visible, the only species of animal that was present was a squirrel, either a red squirrel or a douglas squirrel. Most likely it was a douglas squirrel, because although it was reddish and small, it had a light underbelly that was significantly different and noticeable which led me to identify it as a douglas squirrel. Th squirrel and the snow were my favorite parts of the day, bur I also liked the ferns, hemlock, and waterways. I wasn't able to identify as many species as I would have liked to, so I hope to learn more. Then I can identify more in the future.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2012 a las 08:34 PM por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

University of Washington Campus

Walking around campus today (April 12th, 2012) I find it difficult to identify horticultural plants and natural growing plants. Cherry trees are clearly horticultural, but others like Cedars and Maples are obviously natural. There are many plants for an urban environment, but it is difficult to identify every plant, flower, and tree.

More to come...

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2012 a las 08:38 PM por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

31 de mayo de 2012

05/12/2012 Seward Park

Seward Park in Seattle had a lot of large trees. There were Douglas Firs, Madrone Trees, Western Red Cedars, and many others. I started with some madrone trees standing on a bridge which put me closer to the top of the tree. It was interesting to get this angle. Walking down from the bridge it was obvious many of these large trees had been there for a very long time. I couldn’t identify all the trees and I wish there was a guide or person who could identify everything, but I identified as many trees and plants as I could. Some friends I had with me learned about madrone trees and firs and pines, as well as flowers. Some pointed out daisy’s I had not previously identified because I was just walking over them, but after looking it up I found they were oxeye daisy’s. There was a reddish moss growing along cement at certain locations which I still am note positive of the species. But it was interesting. There were also many large flowering plants that were clearly horticultural, but I stuck to identifying what was natural. There were some waterfowl on the lake, mostly ducks, and I heard some robins and chickadees in the park as well. The sheer size of the trees is what impressed me, surrounded by a maintained park lawn. It is nice to know these trees are being preserved.

Publicado el 31 de mayo de 2012 a las 08:17 PM por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05/19/2012 Alki Beach

I found myself on Alki Beach and wanted to look at marine life, but was surprised by how much I saw. Initially I noticed barnacles, sea stars, and sea anemones. There were many types of sea stars including Purple Sea Stars and large orange colored sea stars. Anemones varied in color as well, though many were green. Walking along the beach there were many Seagulls, which I believe were Glaucous-Winged gulls based on their coloration. Some juveniles were present which were obvious because of their brownish color. There were some crabs in the beach, including dead ones that appeared to be Dungeness crabs. Crows were flying around the beach as well. In one tidepool along the beach there were gunnels. I thought they were fish but they turned out to be gunnels. Walking further down the beach I walked under a pier that made many blue mussels growing on it, well enough to see the tide line of the water. Walking further out I saw many of the same species until I came across a pool of sand dollars which was interesting. There were many of them, purple in color and fuzzy looking almost. This was the furthest point I walked out to, until I turned around and walked back along the beach. It was cool to see all this marine life and it made me think about how much we have focused on the terrestrial environment when the marine environment in the northwest is so interesting as well.

Publicado el 31 de mayo de 2012 a las 08:17 PM por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


Visiting Lincoln Park in West Seattle, I travelled from a forest to the beach and back through a forest. Despite being in a forest, there were many clues that this was still part of an urban environment. For example, there was a lot of litter and things that people brought with them, much more than in other parks I have been to. It is probably its location in a major city that creates this. Beyond that, there were many trees and plants throughout the forest. There was a lot of ivy growing on the ground, and large trees such as Red Cedars and Douglas Firs. As I continued to walk I found myself on the beach, where there were many animals. I saw sea stars and sea anemones as well as crabs under rocks. Barnacles were largely present on the rocks, walking along the beach, until I found a path leading upward. This path had Madrone trees and large maples and pines, as well as many small flowers, some fungi, and lots of grass. There was less litter in this path probably because it was more distant from the entrance of the park. I was surprised by how many large trees there were in this park, how big this park is, and how many trees are growing right in a major city.

Publicado el 31 de mayo de 2012 a las 08:17 PM por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


Today I went to Fort Ward Park on Bainbridge Island. I started on a path in the forest that led all the way to a meadow which was next to a rocky beach. The forest path immediately had wildlife on it, as I saw a banana slug on the ground and raccoon climbing a tree. I had never seen a raccoon climb a tree in this way before. It was a unique behavior and certainly interesting, digging its claws as it circled near the top of a tree. There were so many trees in this park! At first I saw a Western Hemlock as well as Douglas Firs and various pines. There were many ferns and small plants, including beach strawberry plants. At the end of the path I walked across a grassy meadow to a beach, only to see a Townsend’s chipmunk on the beach. It was difficult to get a picture of it because it was running so quickly under large rocks, but it was interesting to see this chipmunk in a different environment. I walked past a WWII bunker in the park which had ferns and moss growing on it, and found a small path that went along the edge of a forest and beach. The forest had a lot of small trees and pants including a plum tree. At the end of this path I hiked back through the forest looking at many large trees. It was clear that these trees were very old.

Publicado el 31 de mayo de 2012 a las 08:18 PM por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


I visited a park on Bainbridge Island called Meig’s Park, which was part meadow and part wetland. The wetland could not be walked on but a lot could be seen. The meadow had many daisy’s and grasses, with some alders and other trees. There was a lot of Himalayan blackberry growing. The wetland had waterfowl such as Great Blue Heron and ducks. After walking down a path to the edge of a wetland, a giant Great Blue Heron flew across and its colors were very clear. I wanted to know what it was feeding on but I am still unsure. There were stinging nettles in this park which I had to step carefully around, and I continued down one dirt path until there were too many blackberry’s and I had to turn around. There were a lot of birds , including the already mentioned waterfowl and some robins. I saw a distant hawk but couldn’t see it well enough to identify it, though it appeared to be a red tailed hawk. I saw one bird which was a Steller’s Jay I learned, which was bright blue. There were some salmonberry plants in this park as well. One thing that was very interesting was not the natural wildlife but instead things people had put there – seemingly intentionally. There were bathtubs all around the park that looked old and rusted, as well as a collapsed cabin. It was interesting to see the natural plants, but these other things were interesting as well. In times I have visited this park in the past I have seen Barred owls, but I didn’t see any this time though I wish I had. After a while I could hear frogs but did not see any. This meadow/wetland was quite unique and interesting.

Publicado el 31 de mayo de 2012 a las 08:18 PM por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
