14 de octubre de 2024

German hoverfly species missing in „Hoverflies of Britain and North-west Europe“ by Bot/Van de Meutter

I like to use the book „Hoverflies of Britain and North-west Europe – a Photographic Guide“ for identifications on INaturalist. However, if you use the book to identify hoverflies in germany you have to be aware that the authors only took the fauna of the western federal states (Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen, Bremen, Hamburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen, Saarland) into account.
To make the book even more usable for myself, I decided to make a list of those german species which are not included in it. I did so by going through hoverfly checklists and redlists of germany and of the missing federal states (note: there seems to be no checklist for Brandenburg and the checklist for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern I could not find. Also, some of the available lists are a bit older.)
The result is a surprisingly long list of missing species. Some of these might be (locally) extinct, and for some the occurence in germany is questionable due to insufficiant data.

Species occuring in germany, especially in east and south:
Baccha obscuripennis [BW], [SN], [ST] maybe just a variant of B. elongata?
Brachyopa maculipennis [DE] south-eastern species?
Brachypalpus chrysites [BW], [BY],[ST], [TH]
Cheilosia brachysoma [BW], [BY], [SN]
Cheilosia bracusi [BW], [ST]
Cheilosia crassiseta [DE]
Cheilosia derasa [TH]
Cheilosia griseifacies [BY], [TH]
Cheilosia faucis [BW], [BY]
Cheilosia gagatea [BY]
Cheilosia hercyniae [DE]
Cheilosia impudens [BW], [BY], [SN], [TH]
Cheilosia insignis [BW], [SN], [TH]
Cheilosia laeviseta [BY]
Cheilosia laeviventris [BY]
Cheilosia loewi [BY], [SN]
Cheilosia melanopa [BY], [SN]
Cheilosia melanura [BW]
Cheilosia montana [BY]
Cheilosia nivalis [BY]
Cheilosia pascuorum [SN], [ST]
Cheilosia pedemontana [BY]
Cheilosia personata [BW], [SN]
Cheilosia pictipennis [BY]
Cheilosia pilifera [BY]
Cheilosia pini [DE]
Cheilosia rhynchops [BW]
Cheilosia subpictipennis [BW], [BY]
Cheilosia venosa [BY]
Chrysotoxum lineare [BE], [BW]
Eumerus clavatus [BW]
Eumerus longicornis [BW], [ST], [TH]
Eumerus ovatus [BE], [BW], [BY], [ST]
Eumerus sinuatus [BW], [BY]
Heringia verrucula [BW]
Lejota ruficornis [BY]
Merodon aberrans [BW], [BY]
Merodon cinereus [BY]
Merodon constans [TH]
Merodon nigritarsis [DE] southern species
Mesembrius peregrinus [BW], [BY] like a Helophilus with almost completely black hind legs!
Microdon miki [DE]
Paragus bicolor [BE], [BW], [BY], [SN], [ST], [TH]
Paragus majoranae [BW]
Paragus punctulatus [BY]
Pipizella mongolorum [BY]
Pipizella nigriana [DE] southern species
Platycheirus abruzzensis [DE]
Platycheirus angustipes [BY]
Platycheirus fasciculatus [BY]
Platycheirus jaerensis [DE]
Platycheirus laskai [BW], [BY]
Platycheirus tatricus [DE]
Psilota innupta [SN]
Orthonevra incisa [DE]
Orthonevra montana [DE]
Orthonevra tristis [BY]
Spazigaster ambulans [BW], [BY], [SN] alpine species?
Sphaerophoria estebani [BY]
Sphaerophoria infuscata [BW]
Sphegina cornifera [BY]
Sphegina latifrons [BW]
Sphegina platychira [BW], [BY]
Sphiximorpha binominata [ST]
Spilomyia diophthalma [BY], [SN]
Syrphocheilosia claviventris [DE] southern species
Syrphus auberti [BY] alpine species, covered in Syrphus key by Matthew Vosper: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/matthewvosper/61239-key-to-the-syrphus-of-europe
Xylota caeruleiventris [DE] northern species?

Species, whose occurence in germany is questionable:
Brachyopa plena [DE] eastern species
Cheilosia alba [BW]
Cheilosia marginata [SN], but not listed in [DE], southern species?
Dasysyrphus postclaviger [SN]
Eupeodes flaviceps [SN], but not listed in [DE], southern species?
Ferdinandea nigrifrons [SN], but not listed in [DE]
Heringia larusi [DE] northern species?
Melanostoma alpinum [DE]
Pelecocera latifrons [SN], but not listed in [DE], south-eastern species?
Pipiza signata [SN]
Spilomyia digitata [DE] mediterranean species?

Species, which count as extinct in germany:
Eumerus grandis [DE]
Eumerus uncipes [DE]
Mallota megilliformis [DE]
Orthonevra frontalis [DE]

[BE] Saure, C. (2018): Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae) von Berlin.
[BW] Dozcal, D.; Rennwald, K. & Schmid, U. (2001) - Rote Liste der Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae) Baden-Württembergs
[BY] van der Dunk, K. et al. (2003) – Rote Liste gefährdeter Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae) Bayerns
[DE] Ssymank, A.; Doczkal, D.; Rennwald, K. & Dziock, F. (2011): Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae) Deutschlands, https://www.rote-liste-zentrum.de/en/Schwebfliegen-Diptera-Syrphidae-1756.html
[SN] Kehlmayer, C. (2005) - Checklist of Syrphidae from Saxony, http://www.kehlmaier.de/syrphidae.html
[ST] Frank, D. & Schnitter, P. (2016) - Pflanzen und Tiere in Sachsen-Anhalt. Ein Kompendium
der Biodiversität.
[TH] Dziock, F.; Jessat, M. & Uthleb, H. (2001) – Rote Liste der Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae) Thüringens

I hope that some other users may find this helpful. If you have any critics or suggestions, don’t hesitate to comment here. I am no expert and there may be name changes, synonyms or new findings I am not aware of!

Publicado el 14 de octubre de 2024 a las 03:46 PM por sirhck sirhck | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

10 de enero de 2024

Useful links for identifying insects (mostly in germany)

Heuschrecken (Orthoptera):

Käfer (Coleoptera):
key for Staphylinidae in DK:

Libellen (Odonata):
Bestimmung von Exuvien:

Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera):
Gespinstmotten (Yponomeuta):

Skorpionsfliegen (Panorpa):
(publication in french - if you don't speak it, try translating, e.g. with google translator)

Wanzen (Heteroptera) in GB:



Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha):

Zweiflügler (Diptera):
Waffenfliegen in NL: (PDF in dutch)
Dickkopffliegen in NL: (PDF in dutch)

Publicado el 10 de enero de 2024 a las 02:07 PM por sirhck sirhck | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
