29.05.12 Invasive Lionfish catch

Today at GVI we had a rather unpleasant suprise! while I was out training two of our volunteers in the monitoring methedology, Jim, another staff member on the dive, saw six Pterois volitans, Lionfish, at one dive site (Lat: 20.01573, Lon: -87.27740). This is truely a testament to the rapid invasion of this species. Jim managed to spear all six and disected each.
Here are the genders, sizing and stomach contects of each:

  1. Female-25cm-1x juvinile filefish sp.
  2. Male- 36cm- 2x juvinile surgenfish sp.
  3. Male- 32cm- 2x unidentified juvinile fish sp.
  4. Unidentified gender- 34cm- empty
  5. Male- 37cm- empty
  6. Male- 34cm- empty

Besides their mature size, what was also worrying was that the female had quite ripe ovaries.


Publicado el 29 de mayo de 2012 a las 10:03 PM por sir-zeke sir-zeke


Fotos / Sonidos


Peces León (Género Pterois)




Mayo 29, 2012


Falta ubicación


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