Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Bioblitz- September 7th
Hello everyone,
The California Academy of Sciences, together with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, is hosting a bioblitz at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area on September 7th in support of California Biodiversity Day. I know it is short notice, but as the top observers in the area (and a few others I think might be interested), it would be amazing if you are available to join us and maybe help lead groups! We are meeting at 9 am (but open to an early birding group) and exploring until about noon.
We will be gathering at Parking Lot C.
Here is the Eventbrite link:
Feel free to share!
Let us know if you have any questions.
Rebecca @rebeccafay
and Alison @kestrel
@phylogenomics @mattk561 @digibirdtrek @madfox @ldjaffe @kumarihb @paloma @hfabian @charlescrussell @rmyoshihara @lglevanik @hailey_adler @justin2 @mharte @jzzipkin @gyrrlfalcon @dpom @catchang @robberfly @metsa @kueda @tiwane @leslie_flint