Archivos de Diario para mayo 2012

02 de mayo de 2012

Journal Entry 5

Location: Boardwalk near Mill Creek and Bothell. Located on a wetland/grassland like area. Mostly water.
Weather: 80% Clouds, about mid 50s, but it was very dry.

Species List:
There was a plant I did not recognize that was very tall, probably over 6ft. and most of it was growing out of the shallow water. Most of the water in the area seemed rather shallow, at least around the boardwalk, but location father away looked like deeper waters. Most of the tall grasses and plants growing out of the water, such as the cattail were somewhat flattened due to winds, and probably nesting animals. There is a very slow current in the water and is a good area for resting waterfowl. There are a variety of small green plants, of which I could not identify growing out of the water. Most of the grass like plants are cattail and there are some bare trees scattered around the entire location. The entire walk is about a mile long, not including the little side trails. I have in the past, seen garter snakes, eagles, and hawks in this area. Also, due to the excessive amounts of rain that has recently occurred (at least I am assuming), The water level is high enough to flood small portions of the boardwalk. The water level was higher than normal. I am curious to know if this is a recent thing or if it floods around this time of year annually. I am also curious about the water level's effect on the species that live there.

Species List:
Blood-Spattered Beard
Oregon Grape
Red Winged Black Bird
Canadian Geese

Publicado el 02 de mayo de 2012 a las 12:27 AM por lmiyamoto lmiyamoto | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Journal Entry 6


Location: Nature Preserve in Mill Creek, WA. Forest like area with a main stream flowing through.

Weather: Partly clouds, partly sun. It varied between the two during my observation. There was no rain.

The entire forest preserve area webs its way between neighborhoods, streets, and parks. While walking on a trail, the backyards (and bird feeders) of a few homes in the distance are visible. The area used to have a larger variety of wildlife than it does now. History: The stream also used to have a higher water level and more frogs and fish living there. Salmon and other fish used to use the stream for spawning and a recently refurbished fish ladder has been around for years. Animals I have heard or seen in the past which are no longer found are: Deer, coyote, fox, fish, and possibly a black bear (my family claims to have seen). A few creatures still around: raccoon, owls (not sure what species, I can only hear them at night), blue heron, garter snake, frogs, and hawks (Amongst others).

There is a lot of lichen and moss in the preserve. Many low level growing plants with some water plants growing along the side of he stream, such as cattail. Ferns cover most of the steeper areas of the preserve farther away from the stream. Amongst the larger trees are Cedar, Alder, Maple, and Fir.

Species scene during this observation:
Sword fern
False Lily-od-the-Valley
Douglas Fir
Yellow-Green Peat Moss
Skunk Cabbage
Common Dandelion
Giant Horsetail

Publicado el 02 de mayo de 2012 a las 12:41 AM por lmiyamoto lmiyamoto | 12 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
