24 de octubre de 2024

October 24, 2024 plant nature walk

Today I walked from the small forest near the Plex and the Reservoir to the main gate bus stop on Commonwealth Ave. I began this walk around 4:30, and reached my destination around 5. It was about 66F during my walk, which is my ideal temperature, so the walk was very enjoyable. Campus was busy and traffic was already picking up, so it was a nice break during my day to walk around for a bit. I saw a Yellow Daylily, which is one of my favorite types of flowers, so that brightened my day. I had trouble finding seedless plants, like ferns, which I thought was unusual. I saw plenty of pine trees and was able to identify which cones were male vs female. Moss was present on every tree I passed. Overall, a very enjoyable walk today!

Publicado el 24 de octubre de 2024 a las 11:30 PM por jaxlanzerotti jaxlanzerotti | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de septiembre de 2024

Walk near Chestnut Hill Reservoir Community Garden to Kirkwood Road

Today I took a longer route to a friends on Kirkwood in order to observe some of the nature I pass by every day during my busy life. It was quite enjoyable to take some time for myself and pause, even though I was completing an assignment while doing so. It was a beautiful day, about 70 at the high, with a little wind. Not too many insects or birds were around, which I am not upset about. I saw many Eastern Gray Squirrels and Chipmunks, but they were too fast for me to photograph. I walked near the community garden near the reservoir, but did not take observations inside the garden itself. Surprisingly, surrounding the garden there was a diverse group of plants, many of which with beautiful flowering parts or berries. The Spider flower was my favorite observation. I saw what I thought was a worker bee, but after further investigation think is a transverse-banded Flower Fly, pollinating the day flowers near the garden, which was quite cute too. I loved seeing different plants pop out of the sidewalk or moss on the rocks on my walk down the street too. The Tree-of-Heaven on South St and Comm Ave was huge, I made my friend stand with it for a size comparison, and it was lovely. The plants growing on my friend's fence was also quite beautiful, especially the Morning-Glory. My walk was about 35 minutes total today, and was enjoyable. Included is a bonus turkey I saw outside of Keyes.

Publicado el 29 de septiembre de 2024 a las 08:55 PM por jaxlanzerotti jaxlanzerotti | 12 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
