Archivos de Diario para junio 2011

03 de junio de 2011

Guía de Herpetofauna: 12 Anuros de la "Región de Aroa" (Vol. 1)

It's a specific Book about the Herpetofauna from Región de Aroa. The first number is one treatment of 12 species Anurans from this region. The same, containing 70 figures about amphibian species, maps and habitats. Information include the scientific names, common names, general and specific distribution, Natural History and habitat, as well as, conservation status and family to which belong every one species of the book.

Reference: Mendoza I. 2011. Guía de Herpetofauna: 12 Anuros de la "Región de Aroa". IMMECA. Mérida, Venezuela. 63 Pp.

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Publicado el 03 de junio de 2011 a las 06:04 PM por ivnjos ivnjos | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
