11 de mayo de 2024

Año Nuevo State Park

I went to Año Nuevo State Park for my last field assignment and today happened to be a very beautiful, clear, and warm day to be out there. I got my permit to be on the trail and started my walk slowly and admired the beautiful view surrounding myself. As I continued on the trail I managed to see many different species of birds and a lot of smaller species of bio life which were constantly moving and made it hard for me to capture pictures of them. The first observation I made was the lizard I found on my way to observe the seagulls. Then I observed the plant life that I noticed along the trail which I found very intriguing and eye catching. Then I made it all the way down to the part of the trail where you can observe sea lions super closely and clearly see how they behave and act. Near the sea lions I observed another plant which looked really cool because it was one of the very few plants growing in that sandy region of the trail. As I continued further I was nearing the end of the trail and along the way I noticed some tadpoles and then I captured some more plant life that looked very beautiful and cool, especially the flowers, they were really bright and eye-catching.

Publicado el 11 de mayo de 2024 a las 06:13 AM por gdiversitybrar gdiversitybrar | 9 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
