Texasento.net - better than ever

Mike Quinn's (@entomike) tremendous entomology website, texasento.net, has been a go-to site for me for years. It has a heavy emphasis on beetles and some bugs but all the diverse resources on the site are worth exploring.

Mike just added what will prove to be another hugely important improved web page. He has just edited and enlarged his page for the stink bugs (Hemiptera:Pentatomidae). He now includes many images of nymphal stages of these bugs which can look very different from the adults. Check it out!


Publicado el 18 de junio de 2017 a las 04:53 PM por gcwarbler gcwarbler


Hey, Chuck. Thanks for posting this. I get a "Safari cant' open page" error message. Getting the same kind of message in Firefox. Are you able to open it on your end?

I saw this link come up in a Facebook post yesterday and I couldn't open it from there either.

Thanks! ~Adam

Anotado por tadamcochran hace cerca de 7 años

This link is pasted right out of Mike's post on TX-Butterflies discussion list; it's working for me on both Safari (10.1.1) and Firefox (49.0.2).

Anotado por gcwarbler hace cerca de 7 años

Thank you, Chuck. Still not working for me. Must be something on my end. I'll see if an update helps.

Anotado por tadamcochran hace cerca de 7 años

It's such a tremendously useful page -- all of those are great.

Adam, perhaps try copy and pasting this link:


Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de 7 años

Updated to OS Sierra and it's working now! Thank you, Chuck and Sam.

Anotado por tadamcochran hace cerca de 7 años

You have NO IDEA how excited I am about this. Thanks for sharing!

Anotado por nanofishology hace cerca de 7 años

hey all, instead of:




not sure why the ‘www’ prefix is needed, but apparently it is…

Anotado por entomike hace cerca de un mes

Hey Mike, hate to pester, but several of those images are broken on the texas ento links... :-/ Or at least, that's how it is on my end.

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de un mes

I updated the above link.

Anotado por gcwarbler hace cerca de un mes

yeah, Joe Lapp was hosting my website and I had a very easy way to update it and keep it current. but when Joe moved back east, he fould a free hosting service that I I find difficult to use so my site has been much neglected. I mostly put my efforts into BugGuide and of course iNat. I'm not even collecting or shooting stuff at lights out back as I'm mostly tied down taking care of my SN brother.

Anotado por entomike hace cerca de un mes

Totally ok, @entomike -- thanks for the background on that.

Thanks always for your curation here on iNat and on bugguide!!!

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de un mes

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