Archivos de Diario para julio 2011

27 de julio de 2011

the woods

soon the blackberries will be popping up. Salmon berries I don't care much for. Thimbleberries are tasty and the kids really like Huckleberries.. so much so that my oldest, Cazi ate so much he got sick! I have tried to grow potatoes this year. some are doing good, most have been overwatered, naturally, as the rain is never more than a couple days away around here. Mushrooms are fragrant and the leaves are falling prematurely. summer is late and short around here. every sunny day is cherished. I found this snake and read that it would be easy to keep with earthworms. I am letting it go today where we first found it. He does seem to adjust well to handling. This frog, comes out to this exact spot every evening. I think he lives behind the crevice where the original trailer meets the addition. He must like the spot, because there are plenty of insects and bugs for him every evening. I have two goldfish in my pond that are still thriving. and plenty of frogs have joined in the area. Some tadpoles have grown up in the culvert drainage at the end of the driveway and they are now tail and legs, strange looking fellows. I have discovered there is also barnacles? growing in my pond. I hear thats a good thing. I have been attempting to get more owl pictures. but as usual, the owls are quite shy. up the hill aways back, we found some bear scat, and the neighbors dog disapeared awhile back... the other neighbors have a new pony around for a while. my neighborhood has dogs, lots of them, 2 cows, 2 horses, 1 pony,. and a few cats.. wild animals are plenty, deer, and a bobcat/mountain lion has been sighted a time or two. at least one bear has been confirmed, yet to be sighted by credible source. maple trees, cottonwood and the usual everygreen and fir. some cedar some alder. getting close to the time to start stocking up firewood again. recently have been fascinated with moss. this place is really different from the city. i love it here. its peaceful.

Publicado el 27 de julio de 2011 a las 08:50 PM por elizabeth elizabeth | 2 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
