25 de octubre de 2024

Walk around the res looking for 4 different types of plants

Today was a warm day and me and I went for a nature walk around the res. Its a friday after my last class. The first thing I noticed was a flowering plant near my dorm because it was bright pink and easily caught my attention. From class I learned that this is an angiosperm because of the flower and is heterospory. Furthermore, I continued my walk towards the res at first only finding my flowers. Then I saw a pine tree which is a non-flowering seed plant or gymnosperm. This plant never sheds its leaves in the winter. When I was going up a hill next to the res I found a little patch of moss in a shadowy area. The moss is a nonvascular plant so I knew it would be found very close to the ground and its in the Byrophyta species. Lastly I found a fern as I was exiting the hill towards the res. This took me a little longer to find and I was hunting for their very indentifable leaves. Ferns are polypodiosida and are seedless vascular plants. After that I continued to find more types of each of the species I was looking for an continue walking on this nice day.

Publicado el 25 de octubre de 2024 a las 03:32 AM por clintomi clintomi | 14 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

09 de octubre de 2024

Fungi Walk Around the Res

Today I went for a nature walk with my friends around the res. It was around 60F and it was pretty sunny and warm. We walked north on the res for a few minutes and then veered off the path into the woods area that surrounds the walkway. We looked in areas that we were told fungi could grow like on the floor by leaves, on moist logs, on the sides of tree, and in some shady areas. We found lots of different types of fungi (or at least I think). It was interesting to see how all these different types of fungi inhabited the space. Furthermore, if I was walking around I would not have noticed all these different organisms if I was not because I was doing a walk in search of them. This walk opened my eyes about where to find fungi and how common it is to find in an area near me. For alot of the specific names of the fungi I observed I was not entirely sure for most of them and picked the picture I think looked most like my obseration.

Publicado el 09 de octubre de 2024 a las 02:49 AM por clintomi clintomi | 12 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de octubre de 2024

First Walk (around res area)

Today, at around 3, I walked down the nature reserve hill right next to the plex and the reservoir. It was a nice sunny day with a high of about 70 degrees. I was wearing my backpack because I had just come from the library, and I walked through the hill on the path. Several other people were there walking or sitting on benches, enjoying the view. Towards the start of the walk, there were more gardened areas, and the further up I went, it became more wild. It is also starting to cool down here, so the nice fall colors and leaves were interesting to view. I am not sure if I named most of my species correctly, but I picked the suggestion the plant looked the closest to. There were lots of acorns on the floor and lots of different types of grass or brush. I also saw several types of trees, all creating a very shady hill.

Publicado el 01 de octubre de 2024 a las 03:00 AM por clintomi clintomi | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
