06 de octubre de 2021

Lab 5 Journal Entry

I observed the Poplar Bracket, Trametes, Dryad's Saddle, the Family Psathyrellaceae and Fairy Ring Marasmius in Mont Royal's forest. Both Family Psathyrellaceae and Fairy Ring Marasmius were found growing out of the ground, in moist soil, more sheltered soil. While Poplar Bracket, Trametes, and Dryad's Saddle were all observed growing off trees. Dryad's Saddle was much larger in size and had many fungi growing on the tree, while the other observed fungi were much smaller and grew in fewer numbers or individually. All fungi had very flat fruiting bodies. I observed more hyphae and sepals on the Poplar Bracket over any other of the fungi.

Publicado el 06 de octubre de 2021 a las 06:59 PM por clare-sanderson clare-sanderson | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de septiembre de 2021

Lab 2 Journal Entry

I chose White Campion (Silene latifolia) as the observation to look deeper into. White Campion has two common ancestor species of maidenstears and whorled catchfly. It is at the end of its phylogenic branch on the OneZoom "tree" as well, and this branch stems from a branch of 86 other species.
White Campion has the adaptation of its leaves growing opposite of each other to maximize the photosynthesis from allowing more sunlight to reach the bottom of the plant.
An adaptation common in all of our observations is that of photosynthesis, however, as we recorded 26 species, I believe there are no common specific adaptations through them all.

Publicado el 15 de septiembre de 2021 a las 06:12 PM por clare-sanderson clare-sanderson | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
