Archivos de Diario para diciembre 2016

27 de diciembre de 2016

iNaturalist Presentation

Hi @kueda @kestrel @carrieseltzer @charlie @faerthen @loarie @sambiology and others!

I have the opportunity to give a presentation on iNaturalist at this years The Stewardship Network Conference (TSN is a collaborative community conservation organization in the Great Lakes and northeast). My primary goal is to introduce those unfamiliar with iNaturalist to the community and the tool and share how I have found iNaturalist helpful in engaging [my landtrust's] volunteers and citizen scientists. I am partnering with @lianamay who will be sharing how she has found iNaturalist helpful in her floristic inventory work.

I would like to share stories about iNaturalist - stories on how it has led to a better understanding of biodiversity, how it has helped inform conservation, or how it has inspired a conservation ethic. I have/am mining news stories and iNat journal posts (and am finding a lot on BioBlitzes, which is neat) but am wondering if you have presented on iNat and could direct me to some inspiring stories!

Thanks! ~Derek

Publicado el 27 de diciembre de 2016 a las 05:01 PM por calloftheloon calloftheloon | 12 comentarios | Deja un comentario