Archivos de Diario para mayo 2013

02 de mayo de 2013

Spring Break Hike

During my Spring Break, I traveled to southern California in Lancaster to the Lancaster Desert Preserve. At the preserve I came across a limited amount of plant and animal species. This area was not as diverse as species in the bay area. Species that are native to the area and that could be found in the preserve: joshua trees, creosote, California Juniper, desert shrubs rabbits/hares,coyotes, morning doves, squirrels quails, and crows. Unfortunately I was not able to get a snapshot of every specie at the preserve, but the ones that were available are pictured in the Journal.

Publicado el 02 de mayo de 2013 a las 07:09 PM por bwyre3 bwyre3 | 15 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

10 de mayo de 2013

Moist Evergreen Forests

During my hike the habitat of the moist evergreen forests
I noticed that a lot of the species in this habitat adapt to its surrounding
Banana Slugs were present on my hike and they thrive in moist habitats aas the moist ever green.

The banana slugs are found around where they can blend in with other leaves.

There was also a big amount of fungi at this location which also adapted to the moist habitat.

Lastly, redwood trees were prominent in this habitat.

Publicado el 10 de mayo de 2013 a las 04:44 AM por bwyre3 bwyre3 | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Species Hunt

A grashopper eating on something.

Publicado el 10 de mayo de 2013 a las 04:50 AM por bwyre3 bwyre3 | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
