Phenology Exercise

Most of my findings come walking along the Strawberry Creek. I found the Common Dandelion among lawn. The Dandelion falls under Flowers Phenology, it is flowering because you can see the small yellow flower is blooming or showing in the picture.

The Geranium plant was found growing within rocks above the Strawberry Creek. The Geranium falls under Flowers Phenology, it is bare because geraniums have flowers that tend to bloom in either Summer or Fall, not in Spring.

I went further uphill in Tilden and by botanical gardens to hopefully find true naturalized trees. I am still unsure if the pine tree is 100% naturalized or if it was planted. The pine tree falls under Leaf Phenology, it is leafed out because there are small pine cones growing from it and it has green pine needles still on the tree as well.

For Aspen's Leaf Phenology, it is dormant because it is still winter for it and there are no leaves growing from it. Aspen blooms in March/April.

Publicado el 14 de febrero de 2014 a las 06:17 AM por almanzacamille almanzacamille


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Diente de León (Taraxacum officinale)


Febrero 11, 2014 a las 02:23 PM PST

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Febrero 11, 2014 a las 02:26 PM PST

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Febrero 2014


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