Archivos de Diario para diciembre 2018

15 de diciembre de 2018

Cold Wind, Long Drive

I had to make a fast trip to south Texas and thought I would see many many hawks. I thought I would have time to stop along the way. Well, the cold front started blowing in and I found myself struggling to keep the car "on the road and out of the way of other drivers." I ran into traffic jams (two on the way down, one on the way back home). I saw many vultures, starlings (why do you see a murmuration when atop a scary overpass?), and two sandhill cranes (flying over - no chance of a photo).

So, I only stopped for the roadkill - and only on the way home. I actually refused to turn around for 4 skunks. [Three were between Victoria and Cuero on 87 and one was outside of Gonzales. There was also a crow smack-dab on the center line of the westbound lanes of Interstate 10. ] Here are the creatures I did stop/turn around for (yes, I did cry over the Great Blue Heron). The dog was a surprise - near the heron. He looked like he was asleep.

Publicado el 15 de diciembre de 2018 a las 01:44 AM por alflinn329 alflinn329 | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de diciembre de 2018

Two Hawks, One Heron

It was cold and dim. The lamp-lights stayed on in the park and it was tough to get a decent photo in the light. I was late enough to have seen more, but the sun just couldn't break through and warm things up. The walk started with three Red-shouldered Hawks calling. One was within Harris Community Park. I couldn't see it, but could hear it in one of the live oaks. Another called from across the creek. The third called from a bit further up the creek. None flew and after waiting a bit, I gave up and headed downstream with hopes one would show before the end of the walk. I began to wonder if I was mis-identifying the call.

The rock doves were anxious. They usually settle in the parking lot where a neighbor of the park feeds them. But they kept swooping around. Finally I saw the reason for their distress. A Cooper's Hawk was in flight among them. I watched the hawk land in an oak and followed it for a photo.

Squirrels were everywhere. The Blue Jays were calling. A couple of Mocking Birds showed up. I rarely see them here. The Yellow-rumped Warblers were flitting around - individually and in groups. There were fewer starlings than normal, but they were hanging out around the church. I heard the grackles, but didn't see any in the park. The same for the crows. I heard them, but didn't see any today. Doves are still enjoying the pecans.

Finally I saw a Red-shouldered Hawk. It was on the rise above the creek - part-way between Yettie Polk and Confederate Parks. It began to call, but I heard no responses. Yes, that was the same call I had heard when the walk began. It's hard to mistake.

Great to see two different species of hawk, but sad to note only one GBH. We had been down to two in the past couple of weeks, but now it appears we are at one.

Publicado el 17 de diciembre de 2018 a las 05:34 PM por alflinn329 alflinn329 | 23 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario