Archivos de Diario para agosto 2012

12 de agosto de 2012

June Catch-up

One of the problems isn't taking images or noting where they were taken, it's finding time to upload them. Well here we are in August and I'm trying to catch-up with June's observations. Two days walks, one near home and the other "over the water" on the Wirral. Still not caught up but watch this space.

Publicado el 12 de agosto de 2012 a las 04:47 PM por acljohn acljohn | 30 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de agosto de 2012

June on Wirral onemore to go!

Last part of our walk around the Wirral Coastal Path - If you ever visit the North West of England, it is a very enjoyable walk.

Publicado el 27 de agosto de 2012 a las 03:56 PM por acljohn acljohn | 10 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Sankey Valley - last walk in June

The walk heads up to Carr Mill Dam,around the resulting reservoir and back to the carpark. A nice walk with lots to see.

Publicado el 27 de agosto de 2012 a las 04:00 PM por acljohn acljohn | 9 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

July and the Arran Coastal Path

Reading my journal may suggest I have 'a thing' about coastal paths; no but, I do about Arran. This is probably one of my favourite places and the planned walks around the coast (not all of it) will be a joy.
Merganser and Grey Seals the highlights of Day 1.

Publicado el 27 de agosto de 2012 a las 04:04 PM por acljohn acljohn | 11 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
