25 de octubre de 2024

Everett Riverwalk, October 24, 2024

While visiting home I took a nice nature walk with sibling through the Everett Riverwalk. The weather was surprisingly warm for a night in autumn. My favorite part of this particular Nature walk was the changing of the leaf colors. I saw many different types and plants and for the first time I could identify them just by looking. The atmosphere was so beautiful and relaxing. I think I successfully took a picture of each of the categories. For the angiosperms I found some plants with fruits and some cute flowers nearby. I also found some pine trees with some fallen pine cones. Looking for rocks I found some moss growing underneath. The walk was very calming and very well needed. There were lots of bunnies running around and me and my sister started chasing them which mad the walk even more enjoyable. Overall the walk was very nice it was interesting to see the organisms we talk about in class in the real world. Now looking at these plants I know so much about them and thats such a great feeling.

Publicado el 25 de octubre de 2024 a las 01:29 AM por abbymedilme abbymedilme | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de octubre de 2024

Res Walk, Thursday Oct. 10, 2024

Me and my friends took a Res walk in the late afternoon on Thursday. The weather was very chilly so I had to layer up. Fall is absolutely my favorite time of the year. It was absolutely gorgeous outside, I got to see the beautiful change in the leaves and hear the crunching of them under my feet. The Res was absolutely beautiful. I even saw some ducklings swimming in the water. I saw lots of fungi on trees but unfortunately I was unable to find any mushrooms. I even tried looking in the Newton woods to see If I could find some mushrooms and there simply was none. Regardless, I still photographed some cool fungi on the trees and some leaves as well. I really enjoyed this nature walk as usual because it gave me the time to step away from class and breathe some fresh air. I love seeing the Biodiversity that we always talk about in class. I also saw some algae in the reservoir and I was curious about how they were categorized and so with a quick google search I found that they were eukaryotic which relates somewhat to what we have been learning about in class. We also talked about photosynthesis and oxygen production so walking around the Res and breathing in the fresh air it was great to actually make real world connections on how these different organisms around us contribute and provide us with not only oxygen so we can breathe but also ecosystem services in general. Overall, this nature walk was great and there were so many wonderful sights to see.

Publicado el 11 de octubre de 2024 a las 04:40 PM por abbymedilme abbymedilme | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

03 de octubre de 2024

Newton Woods Campus Walk, Wednesday Oct.2 2024

Me and my roommate took a very much needed late night walk through the Newton Campus Woods. The weather was a little chilly but nothing a sweater couldn't fix. Throughout the walk we mainly saw different types of trees and plants. It was very calming and peaceful. Because of the change in season the leaves were much more vibrant in color, changing from their original green color to colors like orange, yellow, and red. Autumn is my favorite season just because of the color changes and the cool/chilly weather it provides. On our walk we didn't get to see any animals unfortunately, so my photos mainly consists of different tree leaves and flowers that I found in the woods. In class we discussed the concept of biodiversity and many species, I think that this nature walk is very representative of the many species of plants that exists and contribute the biodiversity throughout the world. Overall this nature walk was a great experience to get outside and really see the biodiversity we continuously talk about in class.

Publicado el 03 de octubre de 2024 a las 03:49 AM por abbymedilme abbymedilme | 12 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
