Found on forest edge at the base of a small slope. Area surrounding has lots of small Vernal Pools. Note the pubescence on the rachilla and the awn starting well above the middle of the lemma in the last few photos.
Known population. The recent observation of Malaxis bayardii that @natemarchessault posted spurred me to take a look at a population on MV. Seems to be holding its own. I noticed that one plant had the top of its leaf nibbled off (last photo) though.
Spikelets in upper quarter of stem. The bristles appear slightly broader at the base. 6 bristles.
Plants rooting at nodes. Small colony in depression left by a tip up on an otherwise xeric sandstone ridgetop.
Disturbed area on xeric ridgetop
Moist ground at the edge of an otherwise xeric, scraped-over area of gas pipeline infrastructure.
Achene comparison of three co-occurring species in Lupulinae: C. gigantea (left), C. lupuliformis (middle), and C. lupulina (right)